
The Proof is in the pup! See what people are saying about our training services.

We highly, highly recommend Lisa for any of your dog training needs. We contacted Lisa for personal training sessions for our rescue dog to address several problem areas such as nipping, recall, manners and obedience, and reactivity to people and other dogs. She ensured that we addressed and corrected any of our areas of concern throughout our 10-lesson session. She taught us how to safely train our dog and for any question we had, Lisa always had a logical answer or suggestion. She is extremely knowledgeable in breeds and best practices and is very professional. The 10-lesson course was well-structured and each lesson built on the last. By the end of the training we still can’t believe how far our dog has come and our knowledge on how to best continue training him. Lisa told us at the beginning what we could expect in the end and we could only hope for such beautiful results. We’re awed by the results and so happy that we can enjoy our lives with a dog who is enjoying his quality of life so much more! Recommend Lisa, 1000%!!"          -Katrin

“After 8 weeks of training, I had a new dog! I want to personally thank Lisa for all her help and guidance with respect to training my 1-year-old Duke. Lisa's attention to detail, follow-ups and assurances that that Duke captured each lesson successfully before moving on to more advanced training. Duke is a highly energetic dog who I must admit, took me for walks. Lisa nipped that in the bud within a couple of sessions. Secondly, Duke would be overly aggressive in playing with his little sister Daisy. Lisa's teaching techniques made a total difference and transformation of Duke. He now is more respectful of his playing. His jumping and manners have taken a 360 and he has become a delightful dog to be around for both myself, my family, friends and people in general. I can't thank Lisa enough for what she has done for me and my family. Personally, I have learned a lot through training with Lisa. I am more aware of what is required to be the leader of the pack sort of speak and behaviours. I am so excited to take more advanced training with Lisa in the future. I would definitely recommend her as a trainer. Thanks again!” - M.J.

“We are thrilled with the results of our training with Lisa. Our dog Meeka's aggressive behaviour was to the point where I no longer felt safe walking her on my own. After working with Lisa not only is Meeka happier and healthier but the relationship we were able to build from the training has given me confidence as a dog owner I never had before. My husband and I now have strategies to cope with any unwanted behaviours, and we no longer have issues staying in control. We are constantly receiving compliments from neighbours on how much Meeka has improved. We went from avoiding all dogs on the street to now stopping and making some new doggy friends. Lisa was a wonderful trainer to work with. She was professional, dependable and patient and always available for questions outside of our training time. I would highly recommend working with her for any of your training needs!” - Jennifer

“We just completed private lessons for basic obedience with Lisa.  When we started, we felt that we had lost control of our dog.  Some of the issues he exhibited included jumping, barking, aggression, resource guarding.  In short, he was unpredictable and often not very pleasant to be around.  After completing the basic obedience, we are so pleased with the changes in our dog.  Lisa provided us with the tools to modify not only our dog’s behaviour but our own as well.  The end result is a much happier and well-behaved dog, and a more peaceful household.  I can’t say enough about Lisa’s kindness and professionalism.  She obviously loves her work.  She had an answer or a solution to every scenario that we presented her with.  We looked forward to our lesson every week!” -Carolyn

“After spending 8 weeks training with Lisa I can say I have the most amazing lab, Murph, that I love to death.  8 short weeks ago this was not the story, I was ready to throw in the towel.  Murph was just over a year old and STUBBORN!  I have never trained a dog before and Murph and I were in desperate need of help.  This is when we found Lisa.  She was amazing and I am beyond thankful we found her.  The progress Murph and I made with Lisa’s training was amazing, it was like night and day.  We went from Murph not being able to sit for 5 seconds, jumping on everyone, and hurting herself from pulling during walks, to being able to sit, lay-down, stand, stay, come, and (most importantly for me) go on walks and enjoy them!  Lisa is wonderfully patient and gave me the knowledge and tools to continue to progress with Murph and other dogs that I may have in the future.  Lisa not only helped with obedience but she also helped Murph and my bond.  I can’t thank Lisa enough for what she did for Murph and I! “ -Sara

“With Lisa's guidance, we were able to help our dog Flash find his place within our family structure, and have positive interactions with family and friends within our home. I have seen Flash's role go from an aggressive protector of the family to a happy calm member of a pack. Lisa's expertise and calm nature gave me the confidence and support to help train Flash to be a happy and well-balanced dog.” -Steph

“Lisa was our 911 when we needed help with Ringo. He is a big, stubborn, willful Lab puppy. In some cases Lisa was able to help us correct bad behaviours immediately and permanently, others are more of a work in progress. The important thing is that thanks to Lisa, we have "tools in our toolbox." Lisa worked patiently on basic obedience training, and always took the time to work on Ringo's particular problem behaviours. The "at home" sessions were well worth the money as they were intense and productive. We would not hesitate to recommend Lisa. She is our "dog whisperer”.” - Peter and Maria

“Our 6 month old labradoodle just finished a 2 week board and train program with Lisa. The change is amazing. Our dog is calm, obedient and polite. Lisa has answered all of our questions and is available for ongoing support. I would absolutely recommend Lisa and any of her programs in a heartbeat. Thank you Lisa for helping us!" - Heather

It was so great to work with you - you have such a calm demeanor, and Sammy and I just loved your class. As you know, we adopted him at age 3. He came pretty well trained for the most part, but having lived on 75 acres, had never seen a leash before. We made more progress with you in 6 classes than we did over the past 3 years. I think we (I) really didn't know where to start and needed a good foundation to keep the leash manners going. We definitely got that with you! We've started using the same leash training on our younger pup as well, who has already seen improvement. You are a fantastic teacher and a wonderful educator on training methods, tips, and tricks. I think Sammy also benefited from the exposure to other dogs without it being a free-for-all play session. It's helped him learn to just be around other dogs without having to bark or whine or pull. I would not hesitate to take another class with you, and we may have you out for some one-on-one training to tackle the dreaded doorbell ha ha!” -Christine

“Lisa has a natural ability to connect with both dogs and owners. She easily gave us both the confidence and the tools to learn. Newton absolutely thrived on these lessons and is so much calmer and happier. As for me, I didn’t know I had it in me to take control in a firm and consistent manner. It was an eye opener for me to realize how completely he had taken over our home and how natural it was for me to take back that control. Having dog issues? Don’t give up on yourself or your pet. Lisa is there to help and is the BEST thing I have ever done for both Newton and our family.” -Maureen

"Mochi and I just completed the 6 week obedience class! We joined because of lack of manners, pulling on walks and as a refresher. Mochi and I have completed two obedience classes before but none seemed to stick, thankfully with Lisa the training finally stuck in Mochi's stubborn skull and life has been so much less stressful! Classes are simple and to the point, she always makes sure you understand what you need to do and has no problem going over it until you get it. Every dog came in with different circumstances and was trained with the understanding of those limits. I had a lovely time training with Lisa and the group classes were the favorite night of the week for both Mochi and I!"          -Andrea

We were fortunate enough to have found Lisa 2 years ago when we were at our wits end with Major and needed training asap. Since then, Major has experienced some life situations and subsequent regressions. We recently took lessons with Lisa at K9 (sports centre) and Major responded almost immediately to the positivity and energy of the sessions and Lisa. Major has gone from being a stressed out Bull Terrier who barked at everything and was ‘on guard’ all the time, to a calm guy who can relax and respond to commands with ease! Having a refresher course for Major was a reminder to us that he needs a job and challenges! Lisa gave us the skills to teach Major how to behave in a way that not only makes us happy, but in a way that allows him to be at ease and enjoy life again! Lisa is an extremely talented trainer and we count ourselves lucky that we found her to help guide us with training and issues when needed. I strongly recommend anyone with a dog, who needs any kind of guidance, reach out to Lisa:)” -Cheryl

“I decided to have one-on-one training at my home with Lisa to gain greater confidence walking Lily and to learn additional techniques when walking around other owners and their dogs. This was nothing short of a revelation, I learned in my suburban environment, how to deal with Lily's fixation with dogs/rabbits/squirrels and new techniques and commands. For both my wife and I walking Lily is now an absolute joy and having visitors over is becoming easier using the place command to ease her out of the dreaded jumping at visitors and adolescent dog excitement. We have recommended Lisa's skills to my parents when they next look for a suitable rescue dog and for when we look for a side-kick for Lily and need to train the next member of the pack."


Lisa, I wanted to thank you SO much for your help with training my sweet Brigadier. I'm not a new dog 'parent' but over the years I have accumulated some less than helpful habits with my Labradors, and my marshmallow tendencies were not creating the best relationship between myself and my boy.
8 weeks of your private sessions were more helpful than I can say - we've had a complete turnaround in the right direction. He no longer sees me as his living chew toy, the disrespectful behaviour is nearly gone, and I am able to provide the right structure, direction and discipline without feeling as though I am withholding love from him. As a result, I feel an even closer bond with Brig than ever! I know training is a lifelong journey, and I look forward to seeing you for additional classes to further our skills!’”

"Lisa was recommended to us by the breeder as a highly competent and pleasant trainer for a high energy and domineering breed. Despite his good temperament, we were challenged from the get go with his leash pulling, jumping on passers by and dogs on city walks, his inability to wait for a meal then gulping the whole thing in a couple seconds, his progressive impatience to get through a door instantly. Lisa’s training has literally transformed his nature from low skilled, impatient and exuberant to well mannered, calm, even mature for his age. We couldn’t be happier with Lisa’s professional, punctual and knowledgeable support. As we like to say to our friends, neighbors and colleagues: The proof is in the puppy!! We highly recommend Lisa for your behavior challenges with your dog. We believe it’s one of the best investment for you and your dog’s well being."          -Francine

"Majors biting and barking at us got to the point we were thinking we may have to rehome him, which broke our hearts. After 2 weeks with Lisa at training camp, he came home a completely changed dog! He's not only happier, but calmer and eager to please! He listens to commands and loves practicing them! We can walk him now without him pulling and lunging at other dogs/people. Its changed the whole dynamic of our home! Lisa knows what she's doing and we would (and have) recommended her to anyone having issues with their dogs. Thanks again Lisa!!!"  -Cheryl