Training Options

Whatever stage you are at with your dog, we have a program that is right for you. Programs are always built to best suit the dog and owner. If you would like help finding the right program to fit your needs, please request a free consultation.

Remote Training Options

If you are not in the Ottawa area but would like our assistance with your dog, all of our programs are available through remote training options via phone, written documents and video. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like help with your dog!


Puppy Foundations

Congratulations on your puppy! Puppies are so adorable and fun and they also grow up very quick. There is so much you can do when your puppy is young to set them up to be a confident, happy and well behaved dog for the rest of their lives. Let us help you make the most of this precious time!

This is a 5 lesson, private course and is appropriate for puppies from 8 weeks of age to 5 months old. This program provides you with help for all of your puppy’s behaviours, manners, introduction to obedience and more!


Manners & Obedience

This program is focused on getting a solid grasp on obedience behaviours that you will use every day. Loose leash walking, polite greetings, door manners, coming when called, listening the first time to commands and so much more! It also helps you get rid of any left over puppy behaviours your dog may have like jumping, nipping, mouthing, not listening etc.

The biggest thing we hear from people taking this course is “I enjoy my dog so much more now!”.

This program is a 5 lesson, private course and is appropriate for dogs 6 months and up.


Behaviour Modification

Are you dealing with behaviours you aren’t sure how to remedy? Does your dog bark at other dogs, people or cars when walking? Are they possessive of food, toys or anything else? Are they aggressive to people or other dogs? Excessively fearful or nervous?

This program combines all the things taught in our Manners and Obedience Program with every tool you need to resolve those bigger problem behaviours at the same time.

For most dogs this program is 7 private lessons, but if you are dealing with a combination of behaviours listed above, it may be recommended that an additional lesson or two may be a better fit. This will ensure that you and your dog have all the skills needed to move forward together, happily and safely. All of these details will be discussed in your initial phone call.


Off Leash Reliability

Having your dog come when called is something so many people struggle with but you don’t have to! This program can either be combined with our Manners and Obedience program or is available as a stand alone program if your dog has a decent foundation in obedience.

The particular length of this course will vary based on where you are in training with your dog. Your specific program will be determined during your phone consultation.


Baby Prep Course

Congratulations you are having a baby! Does your dog know!?

To help you grow your family peacefully, this program will help you with all the foundations needed to get your dog ready.

The Baby Prep Course combines skills taught in our Manners and Obedience program with skills, knowledge, exercises and specific commands that you can use regularly when baby arrives. You will also be taught how to guide your child and dog’s relationship in a positive way as your child grows from baby to toddler and beyond! All of this and so much more!

This program is 5 private lessons. Your specific program details will be discussed during your phone consultation.


The Friend Finder

Are you ready to welcome a dog to your family but overwhelmed by the options or don’t know where to start? Should you get a puppy or a mature dog? From a breeder or a rescue? What breeds are a good match for your family? How do you find a responsible breeder or how do you decide if a particular rescue dog is a good match for you?

This program consists of an introductory 45 minute phone call to find out what things you are looking for in a dog, what your lifestyle is like and provide you with introductory information to get you started. You will then receive a detailed follow up email providing you with information like suggested breeds, recommended breeders, quality rescues, and/or available dogs as is applicable for your situation and much more information which will help you move forward. We are also available to answer any questions regarding the provided information and support you as you move forward in your journey to find your dog.

We would love to help you find your best friend!